Career Advisory/Partnership

Career Pathways Advisory Team

The Career Pathways Advisory Team is organized around career pathways and areas of focus. Advisory teams are made up of people who work in business, industry, professional and technical careers.  The mission is to connect the education community with the people who want to share their expertise in a particular area. Advisory teams are a group of interested citizens who advise the school on various phases of a program improvement plan specific to a career-related area.

Partnership Teams

LSR7 CTE is working on developing partnership teams. These teams will be comprised of community leaders, teachers, administrators, and industry professionals that provide leadership and action to support and enhance the student learning experiences. A strong partnership team has the potential to help support CTE and help build it into an exemplary, sustained program with an influence that reaches beyond the bounds of the classroom and into the workforce.

If interested in joining a partnership team please contact Shannan Booth at (816) 986-1074 or

Partnership Team Goals

    • Develop a partnership team that develops and implements a strategic plan that creates connections to the community, continuous improvement, and student success.
    • Develop a partnership team that is driven by our business and industry partners. Our mission is to connect business, industry, and educators to make sure students are receiving the best education possible to compete in a global society.

Possible Committees

    • Advisory Panels
    • Information on equipment and vendors
    • Safety Guidelines
    • Development of Market Value Assets

Possible Activities

    • Mentoring
    • Speaking in the classroom
    • Evaluate student projects and presentations
    • Teach a lesson
    • Attend review sessions
    • Provide sponsorship for field trips
    • Evaluate equipment and facility needs
    • Assist with student recruitment
    • Provide internships
    • Provide Client Connected Projects
    • Establish recognition programs for students
    • Explore college credit options
    • Externships for teachers